3D Gigascale Integrated Circuits for Nonlinear
Computation, Filter and Fusion with Applications in
Industrial Field Robotics


The project has few subprojects. Some of them are developed in parallel and others are part of the end of the global project

Last update on February 10th, 2013.

Field Test

The experimental scenario is a fundamental part of the project as it will permit to properly test its hypothesis: a reliable resource localization tool for autonomous applications. We have several places that can be used as a test bed. Of particular interest it is a facility of the University of Sydney, Australia where vehicles can be retrofitted with a communication platform for safety purposes.

A initial stage will consist in usual laboratory tests. In these tests we will be able to model the sensors accuracy under ideal conditions. Particle filter IC developed will be tested first with artificial range data. Once the performance is analyzed, new tests will be done with data acquired on field based in RF power collected on the 433MHz network. This is range information with highly non Gaussian nature and nonlinear relationship with the target states.

The last stage will be the most challenging and will consist of several field setups to test all the sensors and IC developed. The connectivity capacities of the safety platform will permit to connect the developed units to the communication system and store in the data base all the produced information. This will be essential to test and document the results.

The new sensors, fusion IC and algorithms will be fitted on few vehciles to test the validity of the solutions proposed. If it is possible at the date of the project, a personal node will be included in the test. This case will test the fusion IC and algorithms with all possible restrictions: low power, low memory and low calculation capacity.

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